Welcome to The Hog Log, named in fond rememberance of that magical book kept behind the Duty Desk, used by the Duty Pig (or anyone else with the urge to pen a short missive) to record the day’s events.


hogHere’s how the HogLog works. You subscribe to the HogLog Google Group (which requires a Google Account, which you may already have if you have a Gmail, Google+, or other Google service – more on that later). You then can post messages to the Group, either via a web page or your email, and everyone else in the Group can receive your message in their email or view it on the Group website. If they in turn post to the Group, everyone else in the Group sees their post, and so forth.

You can go right to the HogLog without getting at it through this page by pointing your browser at: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/480tfs-hoglog.  You don’t have to access it from here, and, once subscribed, you can interact with it solely through email if you wish.

For your convenience, we have embedded the web interface to the HogLog on the page below. If you come to this page and you’re already signed in to your Google Account on your device (which is likely as Google seems to never sign you out of it), you should see a list of posts and replies.

If you’re not seeing a list of posts and replies, you’re either not signed in to your Google Account, or you don’t have a Google Account. If you already have a Google Account and you’re not signed in on the device you’re visiting the site with, you can click the first link to sign in to your Google Account, then return here, and you should see the web interface.

If you don’t already have a Google Account, the second link leads you to a place to create a Google Account. Note that YOU DO NOT NEED TO CREATE A GMAIL EMAIL ADDRESS to create a Google Account. You can use any email address for your Google Account. After you have created the account and signed in, return here.

See you in the HogLog!!!