
Alan Robert Trent

22 May 1940 – ????

trentOn May 13, 1970, Captain Alan R. Trent and then 1st Lt Eric Huberthwere the crew in an F-4D (tail number 65-0607), one of a flight of two F-4s which took off from Phu Cat Air Base against a target approximately 105 miles northwest inside Cambodia.

There was .30 and .51 caliber ground fire against their aircraft while in the target area. Their aircraft was observed to crash into a ridge line during its second bombing run. A forward air controller saw no one eject, no parachutes and heard no beepers. Another F-4 on the scene and with a clear view of the crash reported the aircraft exploded on impact with a full load of munitions on board and the resultant wreckage was spread over a 500 meter area.

There was a search and rescue effort on May 14th and 15th, to include a ground team on the 14th, but there was no evidence that anyone had survived the incident.

Both airmen were initially reported missing in action. Returning U.S. POWs had no information on their precise fate. In November 1973 both were declared dead/body not recovered, based on a presumptive finding of death.